October 21, 2010

Technically speaking...

Despite the fact that I've managed to put up a blog, I am rather technologically-challenged when it comes to doing anything fancy with it. Or even basic - like putting up a recipe index (which I know plenty of cooking blogs have).

But ladies and gentlemen, I've finally figured it out. I never noticed a little "Edit Pages" link on Blogger until today! I mean seriously, Blogger makes it stupid easy to have a blog - it's like what happened when Microsoft introduced PowerPoint and suddenly everyone thought they were a designer.

Well now I have a recipe index! I can't really call it "recipes" because really it's just everything I've made and posted here, and there are some, I've just realized, where I didn't even add the actual recipe. Baby steps, my friends, baby steps.

I'll be messing with the categories for a while I think, and I haven't posted everything yet but hope to soon, before another work tornado hits.


Anonymous said...

hey, the index's quite helpful!


nosebear said...

I think so too! I might be going a little crazy with the sub-categories though. I thought I might add "Eggs," "Good for Groups," "Farmer's Market Recipes," "Things to Make When I Feel Sick," "Requires More Than One Pan."

What, too much?

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