April 28, 2009

Second chance at raab

If there is a theme to this blog, it might be 'second chances.' There are foods that, on the first try, I loved. I'm not talking about foods I grew up eating but stuff I discovered later in life (post high school), like Thai and Vietnamese food, kale, polenta, steel-cut oats, chana masala. Then there are some that I didn't like at first but am so glad I tried again, because now I love them: goat cheese, cilantro, beets... and broccoli rabe (or raab, I've seen it spelled both ways).

The first time I ate broccoli rabe, I thought I would like it because it's a gorgeous, green veggie (one of my favorite types of food) but I was unprepared for the unusual, bitter taste. I thought I was eating something that had gone bad. And I said so.

'Ew, I think this went bad,' I said to my cousins, who I had joined for dinner.

April 27, 2009

Polenta, or play-doh

The first time I ate polenta was at my office holiday party a few years ago. I worked for an Italian company so we had our dinner at an Italian restaurant. It was a really wild night--the food was a minor player compared to the beverages, but I very distinctly remember the polenta (oh, and a whole roasted pig which had to be carried by two people). I should say, the only dish I remember eating is the polenta. I had never eaten polenta before although I had heard of it. This polenta had been shaped into triangles and fried or baked. It was buttery, creamy, and cheese-y. So delicious. Probably very caloric too.

Which is probably why I had not eaten polenta since. But I was getting a little tired of eating pasta so I thought I'd give it a try.

April 26, 2009

I swear I came up with this myself

As I've mentioned numerous times, I am always on a mission to use up my fresh ingredients before they go bad. Equally important is trying to get those ingredients to last as long as I possible. Well, I think I have triumphed over mushrooms. Mushrooms in particular seem to go bad quickly, becoming gross and slimy or withered after just a couple of days. A long time ago I had read somewhere, or maybe saw on TV, that mushrooms should be stored in paper bags, I think because the paper draws the moisture from mushrooms, keeping them dry. I had been cutting up those big Whole Foods bags and wrapping mushrooms in them--not the easiest way to store, but the mushrooms stayed dry for over a week. Then, I happened to be making eggs with spinach and mushrooms for breakfast, and, having used up the last of my eggs... tada! That rare light in my head went off and I put the leftover mushrooms in the empty egg carton. Awe - wait for it - some.

A sunny afternoon treat

I've made brownies from a box plenty of times when I was growing up but for some reason, I had never really explored making them from scratch until relatively recently (like the past two years). That was when I came across the Joy of Cooking recipe which I had never noticed before because it is oddly filed in the 'Cookies' chapter. It's under the sub-category 'Bar Cookies'--I had never thought of brownies as being a bar cookie, but I guess it sort of makes sense (uh, sort of; it only took me 10 years to find the recipe). Anyways, it is super easy and requires the most basic of ingredients.

April 13, 2009

A rainy afternoon lunch

Roasted beet salad
I did not like beets the first, second, and possibly even the third times I ate them. It seemed like I should like beets, because they are beautiful and healthy. But, blech. They seemed slimy and tasted like dirt. So when I was present at a dinner where my cousin had planned a beet salad, I felt a bit of dread about having to eat it. Well. Roasted beets are an altogether different species than what you'd find in a salad bar or in a can. They still smell and taste a little like dirt, but in a good way--they smell like the earth, especially as they roast. Heavenly. Or, earthly.

April 9, 2009

Forgetful muffins

I do not know what is wrong with me, but I have been rather absent-minded lately. This morning, I got to the subway station and couldn't find my wallet. It turns out I had left it in another coat pocket after running errands last night. A couple of days ago, I forgot to wear earrings. Maybe not too unusual but very much so for me--I felt like I was naked. Last week, I had gone to the restroom at work which is outside our office in the hallway so you need a key to get back in the office. I was returning back to the office and I completely forgot which way to turn the key in order to open the door. This is a process I do probably five or six times a day, but I just blanked and stood there, struggling to unlock the door.

Last night, I decided to make muffins, which I had never made before, in order to use up the yogurt I still had from marinating chicken. Usually when I make baked goods, I always have the intention of sharing so that I don't consume all the calories. My cousins are out of town so I thought I'd bring them to the office. I had just put the muffins in the oven to bake and then I remembered... it was the first night of Passover. Oops. I have a few Jewish colleagues, some more observant than others, but still, it seemed very ignorant and tactless to bring in some kind of baked good during Passover.

April 8, 2009

A note about dried basil

Despite the protestations of Mark Bittman, I use dried basil. But it's not just any dried basil, it's basil I dried myself. That makes it better. Ha.

First of all, I find it impossible to use a bunch of fresh basil before most of it goes bad. Oh sure I can make a big batch of pesto but then I just have a bunch of pesto to use up. I'm just feeding myself after all. And because of that, it gets expensive buying fresh basil, especially in the off season, when I only use a few leaves at a time. So, I've found a sort of compromise.

April 7, 2009

Double oatmeal cookies (for breakfast)

My cousins just left for the Bahamas. Me, jealous? That doesn't even begin to describe it. One of my cousins-in-law half-jokingly suggested that I get up early to make them breakfast since they had a 6:30 a.m. flight. Puh-lease, they're going on vacation for a week while I go to work and they want me up at four in the morning to make them breakfast??

Well, there is nothing I like more than a food challenge.

April 6, 2009

Chicken and broccoli

I have a fear of cooking chicken. I think that I have been scared off by concerns of salmonella, or even worse, overcooking. My mom did not make too much chicken while I was growing up, certainly none of the Western classics like roast chicken or fried chicken, so I don't have much familiarity with it. And, I'd stopped eating it for a few years, partly because I never cooked it for myself. But I think it's time for me to get over my fear and learn how to cook chicken.

April 2, 2009

Turkey meatballs

I always thought that once I had successfully accomplished a dish that I would be able to recreate it just as successfully every time thereafter. However, if you forget to add salt to a dish, you will fail.