As I've mentioned numerous times, I am always on a mission to use up my fresh ingredients before they go bad. Equally important is trying to get those ingredients to last as long as I possible. Well, I think I have triumphed over mushrooms. Mushrooms in particular seem to go bad quickly, becoming gross and slimy or withered after just a couple of days. A long time ago I had read somewhere, or maybe saw on TV, that mushrooms should be stored in paper bags, I think because the paper draws the moisture from mushrooms, keeping them dry. I had been cutting up those big Whole Foods bags and wrapping mushrooms in them--not the easiest way to store, but the mushrooms stayed dry for over a week. Then, I happened to be making eggs with spinach and mushrooms for breakfast, and, having used up the last of my eggs... tada! That rare light in my head went off and I put the leftover mushrooms in the empty egg carton. Awe - wait for it - some.
April 26, 2009
I swear I came up with this myself
As I've mentioned numerous times, I am always on a mission to use up my fresh ingredients before they go bad. Equally important is trying to get those ingredients to last as long as I possible. Well, I think I have triumphed over mushrooms. Mushrooms in particular seem to go bad quickly, becoming gross and slimy or withered after just a couple of days. A long time ago I had read somewhere, or maybe saw on TV, that mushrooms should be stored in paper bags, I think because the paper draws the moisture from mushrooms, keeping them dry. I had been cutting up those big Whole Foods bags and wrapping mushrooms in them--not the easiest way to store, but the mushrooms stayed dry for over a week. Then, I happened to be making eggs with spinach and mushrooms for breakfast, and, having used up the last of my eggs... tada! That rare light in my head went off and I put the leftover mushrooms in the empty egg carton. Awe - wait for it - some.
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